Biodanza is a development process of the wholeness of the human being.

What is Biodanza?

Biodanza is a process of global human development; it is an invitation to get into movement, to express and develop oneself among a group of people. Biodanza is done with the support of a precise combination of exercises, dances and music. It offers the possibility to progressively rehabilitate one’s life force, one’s « joie de vivre », and promote a general sensation of well-being.    More +

Who is Biodanza for?

The practice of Biodanza is accessible to all. There are no pre-required conditions nor knowledge nor preparation. One does not need to be in shape to get to move together and live now! Biodanza can be practiced at any age and it is easily adaptable to all conditions. More +

Become a member

Association Biodanza Canada is a non-profit organization, its mission being to develop and promote Biodanza. Becoming a member is to contribute to this development while enjoying several advantages and opportunities for participation.  More +

Try it out!

Biodanza is an essentially “experiential” approach. You are invited to try it at one of the many proposed initiation activities, or in one of the weekly groups offered by various facilitators (professors).More +

Social implication

In Biodanza, social action refers to the means through which the human community takes action to encourage the well-being of all its members. These means consist of actions geared to helping those of its society who are more fragile in order to improve their life. As a matter of fact, Biodanza in itself is a social action activity, as the people who practice it improve their community through the quality of their presence and the enhanced expression of their identity. More +

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